Personal branding sessions are one of my favorites. The goal of this type of session is to obtain imagery that can be used on your website and social media pages. A typical personal branding session is broken into several “stories” that are scheduled on different days. Each story is designed to give your clients and

Millerton Lake, Friant California is only a short distance from where I live, and yet can be such a magical place for a session. Millerton is a man-made lake thanks to the Friant dam about 15 minutes northeast of Clovis. It’s very very bright at the lake due to the sun reflecting off the water.

One of the things that set one photographer apart from another photographer (besides skill) is style. Taking a good, technically executed photo definitely takes skill, but many times the vision for the photo truly comes alive in post-processing through editing. One of the things I have focused on this year is to more closely define

Although a great photo is not just about the location, regardless my clients still have some favorite places. A good location sets the ambiance of a photo to achieve that perfect “look”. Compliment a good location with beautiful lighting and you have a great image. These were taken at a local tree farm – a

Fall is one of my favorite seasons to schedule family sessions. I love the beautiful colors…oranges, reds, yellows, and even tans. Having vibrant colors in the frame really helps to make images “pop”. This location was client picked, and she hit it out of the park. There were so many beautiful little spots. And, of