“Family is where life begins and love never ends.”
Breathtaking light and beautiful faces. It doesn’t get much better, am I right?
When I talk to prospective clients, location is always something that comes up. I’ll be honest, a location can definitely impact the overall look and feel of a photo, but it is NOT the most important thing. It’s the lighting. Light is the single most important thing in an image. And when you scout for a photographer, it’s what YOU should be looking at too! Light can either make or break a photo. So when I go to a shoot, the first thing I look for is that gorgeous light. Where is it falling? What color is it? What direction is it coming from? From there, all other things will fall into place.
So back to location, cause it always comes up, and it’s something that does have to be determined. This beautiful spot is Wildwood Native park in Fresno, California. It a gorgeous location but isn’t open all week long so if this is the spot you desire, please know that we will need to work around the park’s availability.
If you have a big family 0r young kids and are looking into a family session, it is normal to feel anxious. I get it. I put my own family in front of the camera once a year too so I totally understand it can be a nail-biting experience. Kids can be so unpredictable. Here are some quick tips to help you plan but your mind at ease.
- Bring snacks, water, and jackets (if breezy or cold).
- Be positive and cheery. Your feelings of anxiety can be detected by your young kids and believe it or not can impact their behavior. If you have to, fake smile and PRETEND 🙂
- If you are posed, and your child is just not co-operating, just keep looking at the camera and smile. All I need is a fraction of a second to capture them.
- Offer bribery if needed … I won’t even lie… I totally do this with my own kids for pictures.
- Arrive early. That way you can straighten out the bow, change the diaper, put shoes back on, and just take your time. Being late will make your stress and anxiety increase.
- Try to relax as much as possible. Together we will capture those great pictures every momma desires and make memories in the process.